At SS Peter and Paul, we want all of our children to achieve their true potential. In order for this to happen children need to attend school regularly. The local authority class acceptable attendance as 95%. Children who fall below 90% attendance are classed as persistent absentees and may need support from the local authority Education Welfare Officer to ensure attendance improves.
Any holiday taken that is unauthorised could be subject to a fine from the local authority, this is if 5 or more full days are taken as holiday. You can also be fined for 10 unauthorised absences due to late arrival in school after registers have closed.
Below you will find links to useful documents that outline the statutory requirements and policy for attendance at school. Please note if your child does not attend school regularly you may be prosecuted and fined. This information in explained in more detail in the documentation.
Staffordshire letter explaining changes Staffordshire code of conduct
Any holiday taken that is unauthorised could be subject to a fine from the local authority, this is if 5 or more full days are taken as holiday. You can also be fined for 10 unauthorised absences due to late arrival in school after registers have closed.
Below you will find links to useful documents that outline the statutory requirements and policy for attendance at school. Please note if your child does not attend school regularly you may be prosecuted and fined. This information in explained in more detail in the documentation.
Staffordshire letter explaining changes Staffordshire code of conduct