All items of school wear should be clearly labelled with the name of your child.
Grey skirts, dresses or shorts.
Grey tailored trousers
White polo shirt (with or without logo)
Red and white checked dress in summer
Burgundy sweatshirt (with or without logo) or burgundy cardigan
White or grey socks/ tights
Black shoes
Grey shorts or trousers
White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Burgundy sweatshirt (with or without logo)
Grey socks
Black shoes
On PE days, children are to come into school wearing their PE kit.
Outdoor kit – all pupils
School Jumper (with or without logo)
Plain Black tracksuit bottoms
Burgundy t shirt (with or without logo)
Inside P.E. kit – all pupils
School Jumper (with or without logo)
Slip on black pumps
Black plain shorts
Burgundy t shirt (with or without logo)
Uniform Suppliers:
Grey skirts, dresses or shorts.
Grey tailored trousers
White polo shirt (with or without logo)
Red and white checked dress in summer
Burgundy sweatshirt (with or without logo) or burgundy cardigan
White or grey socks/ tights
Black shoes
Grey shorts or trousers
White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Burgundy sweatshirt (with or without logo)
Grey socks
Black shoes
On PE days, children are to come into school wearing their PE kit.
Outdoor kit – all pupils
School Jumper (with or without logo)
Plain Black tracksuit bottoms
Burgundy t shirt (with or without logo)
Inside P.E. kit – all pupils
School Jumper (with or without logo)
Slip on black pumps
Black plain shorts
Burgundy t shirt (with or without logo)
Uniform Suppliers: