Reception Intake September 2024 Information for parents
If any parent wishes to view the school prior to an application for a reception place, please contact the school office on 01543 226090.
School Admissions
If you wish to apply for a school place for your child outside of Reception Class, you will need to complete a school in-year application form. (See below)
This application form will need to be submitted to the school office for consideration. If there is a school place available you will be informed of a start date for your child. If there is NOT a place available you can be added to a waiting list or you have the choice to appeal for a school place.
You will receive a confirmation if there is a place available within a week of the school receiving your application form (term-time only). If you wish to appeal you should inform the school in writing within two weeks of your notification of refused place. The appeals committee will hear your case within a month of your appeal (term-time only).
This application form will need to be submitted to the school office for consideration. If there is a school place available you will be informed of a start date for your child. If there is NOT a place available you can be added to a waiting list or you have the choice to appeal for a school place.
You will receive a confirmation if there is a place available within a week of the school receiving your application form (term-time only). If you wish to appeal you should inform the school in writing within two weeks of your notification of refused place. The appeals committee will hear your case within a month of your appeal (term-time only).
Please click on links above to access Staffordshire County Council school admissions information