SS Peter and Paul : The Cafod live simply award
At SS Peter and Paul we are working toward the accreditation of the CAFOD Live Simply award
Details of this award can be found at the following link :
We are currently working towards targets on our action plan : Action plan here
We are delighted to say that we have been awarded the CAFOD LIVE SIMPLY AWARD on the 6th October 2023
Details of this award can be found at the following link :
We are currently working towards targets on our action plan : Action plan here
We are delighted to say that we have been awarded the CAFOD LIVE SIMPLY AWARD on the 6th October 2023
We have all made promises to help with our care of creation. Staff and children have thought carefully about how they can be more sustainable and care for our common home.
Ladauto Sii week Shared with partner schools from South Staffordshire and Walsall.
Across all partnership schools, (St Joseph's Lichfield, St Gabriel's, St Elizabeth's, St Modwen's, St Peter's, St Francis, St Joseph's Darlaston, St Thomas Moore, Holy Trinity and St Mary and the Angels), we all partook in a Ladauto Sii week in May. All schools explored the beauty and wonder of God's creation